Saturday, 26 July 2014

Ten Signs Of A Great Kindergarten Classroom!

Kindergarten is certainly the best time for a child to expand his or her love of learning, general knowledge, his capability to get along with others and curiosity in learning different things. Kindergarten “curriculum” essentially comprises such events as recess, snack time, group and individual activities in addition to those activities you think of as conventionally educational. Developmentally appropriatekindergarten classrooms or preschool academics motivate the development of children’s self esteem, their independence, cultural identities and their own strengths.Preschool  academics
Preschool schoolchildren will carry on to build up control of their individual behavior via the support and guidance of caring adults. In this stage, children are already keen to learn & possess an inborn curiosity. Educators with a good background in early childhood teaching & child development could best offer for childrenwhat they require to grow emotionally, intellectually and physically. Here are 10 signs of an excellent kindergarten classroom:

• Youngsters are playing & working with supplies or other children. They’re not wandering or compelled to sit silently for long duration.
• Children have access to different activities all through the day, like block building, picture books, pretend play, paints & other art materials.
• Educators toil with individual children, miniature groups, and the entire group throughout the day. They don’t only spend time with the whole group.
• The kindergarten classroom is adorned with children’s unique artwork, their individual writing with imaginary spelling, and dictated tales.
• Children learn alphabets and numbers as their regular study routine. Discovering the natural globe of animals and plants, cooking, taking presence, and serving nibble are all crucial activities to children.
• Children toil on assignments and have extended periods to play & explore. However, filling out worksheets shouldn’t be their major activity.kindergarten classroom
• Children have a chance to play outside of the classroom when weather permits.
• Educators read books to youngsters all through the day, not only at group story time.
• Prospectus is tailored for those who’re ahead and also those who require additional assistance. Since children vary in background and experience, they don’t study the same things at the same time in the same way.
• Parents feel secure sending their little one to kindergarten. Children in the classroom are happy; they’re not weeping or frequently ill.

Individual kindergarten classroom will differ, and prospectus will differ according to the backgrounds and interests of the children. However, all developmentally perfect kindergarten classrooms will have 1 thing in common; the spotlight will be on the growth of the child as a whole.

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Friday, 25 July 2014

After-School Program – Much Needed For The Overall Growth Of Your Children!

Adolescent develop in a community that demands proficiency in everything. You can’t just sit back and expect that learning from schoolbooks is sufficient for the overall growth of your children. It is the time of specialism for your child you can’t afford to ignore such opportunity. Therefore, you need to search in your area for the most beneficial programs and register them for the one you think is the finest.
after-school programAfter-school programs are essentially intended to build up a skill or talent that’s overlooked by regular schools. Such programs might be recreational or educational in nature. Whatever kind they are, they mainly intend to keep your child active & fascinated. The most crucial benefit of an excellent after-school program is that it broadens your child’s area of interest. She or he is pioneered to novel things, sometimes fascinating and sometimes taxing. Mastering a novel skill or art form improves the self-esteem of your child. Also it enables you to establish your little one to innovative career choices.
Socialization is another big gain of after-school program. Children will meet other same age group who allocate their interests and develop new companionships. A soccer class or acting class could be loads of fun. Several of these programs prepare adolescents for performance. Performing on a stage or playing a ball game could bring great skill for your young child. Most important thing is a good after school program keeps your little one busy. Surveys designate that adolescent who’re kept active through different fascinating activities are less likely to depression, abuse and burnout.4

Considerable increase in accomplishment & attendance and a decrease in drop out ratios are other gains of a great after-school program. Most good after-school programs have children interacting with 1 or more adult. This enables them to gain from constructive interactions with adults. Teen agers often find it tough to confide in teachers and parents, but might open up with other adults. Several adolescents are put into leisure following school programs thus they decrease weight and stay fit. There are also summer school age program offered by different school that involves different outdoor activities.
A great after-school program has several advantages. It keeps your child busy and entertained, and therefore stops teenagers becoming addicted to PCs and TVs. By offering them means to burn-up their surplus energy and discover their ingenuity, after-school program assist to outline the overall individuality of the child.

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Thursday, 24 July 2014

Early Childhood Teacher – Responsibility to Consider!

Being an early childhood teacher requires you to be willing to wear many hats. As an experienced teacher, you are already prepared to be flexible. As a new teacher, remember that your job description may change on a daily basis.
In most cases, your role as an early childhood teacher will be very similar to that of a guide. A guide leads others down new paths. A guide walks beside a person on a journey, not in front. A guide also keeps others safe from harm.
As an early childhood teacher, youearly childhood educator will be challenged to find new experiences to share with children. Guide children, do not lead them, and move in a direction that interests the child. As a guide, allow the child to choose their learning and playing style while making safety your number one concern!
Give up the notion that a teacher knows everything. Become a partner in learning and encourage children to find their own answers instead of providing the answers for them. By being a partner, teachers learn with the children and share in their experiences.
Early childhood teachers support learning by providing activities and materials that children find engaging. By facilitating learning, supplying a developmentally appropriate environment, interesting materials, and adequate time to explore, play, and interact, children find learning easy and fun!
To nurture is to nourish. Nurturing a child encompasses all aspects of development: social, emotional, cognitive, and physical. In every interaction, a teacher should nurture appropriate growth and development.
Teachers must also take care to listen to a child including interpreting words and actions. Listening carefully helps teachers determine a child's needs and aids in furthering the child's development.

non-potty trained
Teachers communicate with many people throughout the day: parents, children, support staff, the general public, and administrators. Early childhood educator must be prepared to communicate with all of these people. You should feel comfortable opening up, asking questions, seeking advice, and sharing your experiences.
Paperwork, lesson planning, preparing materials and the environment, and negotiating require teachers to have strong management skills. Managing a classroom requires organizational skills, attention to detail, and commitment. There are many balls in the air and it is your job is to keep them up and moving!
Teaching is full of many responsibilities, roles, and challenges. Like most worthwhile endeavors, it brings both challenges and rewards. Be flexible and you will more readily enjoy the rewards of teaching young children.

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Kindergarten Classrooms Are the Best Place for Your child’s Personality Development!

Everyone knows that childhood is the best time to initiate a strong foundation for a future educational career. Parents should take responsibility when it comes to selecting a kindergarten classroom for their children. Understanding they will learn academic foundations.kindergarten classroom
However, there’re also social aspects that are requiredfor your child to be ready for kindergarten. At Kiddie Garden Preschoolchildren are offered the best of learning in a social environment. Kiddie Garden is the best in Redwood City. There are several advantages that your child can have while enrolled in Kiddie Garden Preschool. Some of them are:
Develop independence:

The more independent your child becomes before beginning kindergarten, the less anxiety they’ll feel on their 1st day of school. At Kiddie Garden Preschool your child can find a kindergarten classroom that fosters independence. The Teachers develop a personal relationship with your child to foster academic performance. The more you allow your children to take the responsibility, the more positive & confident they’ll feel. At Kiddie Garden Preschool your child will also learn basic tasks like gripping a pencil, drawing shapes, colouring and replying to open ended questions.preschool  programs


At Kiddie Garden, we understand the importance of social development. Children will learn to interact with their peers as well as for healthy relationships while engaging in interactive play. Problem solving and negotiating conflict will also be an important part of the curriculum at Kiddie Garden Preschool.

It does not matter whether you are looking to develop your child’s personality or socializing ability, Kiddie Garden make sure you get the best return of your investment. With beautiful kindergarten classroom setting, great staff and lots of child oriented activates, Kiddie Garden is certainly ruling the list when it comes to choosing the best Kindergarten in Redwood City area.

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Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The Importance of Preschool

1. What's the difference between childcare and preschool?
Childcare centers are generally an option for working parents who need their children to be taken care of during the day; centers accept babies as well as toddlers and are full-time, full-year programs. Preschool refers to an early-childhood educational class for 2- and 4-year-olds. Many offer a part-time schedule as well as full-day care, but only from September to May. Yet the terms are often used interchangeably. A childcare center with experienced, well-trained teachers and stimulating activities offers children similar advantages to a preschool.
preschool  education
2. How important are preschool?

There's increasing evidence that children gain a lot from going to preschool education. At preschool, they become exposed to numbers, letters, and shapes. And, more important, they learn how to socialize -- get along with other children, share, and contribute to circle time.
Statistics show that a majority of adolescent attend at least one year of preschool. Children who attend high-quality preschool enter kindergarten with better pre-reading skills, richer vocabularies, and stronger basic math skills than those who do not.

Every child should have some sort of group experience before he starts kindergarten. Music and gymnastics classes are great, but what preschools do that less formal classes don't is teach children how to be students. Your child will learn how to raise her hand, take turns, and share the teacher's attention. What's more, she'll learn how to separate from Mommy, who often stays in a music or gym class. All of this makes for an easier transition to kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers will tell you that the students who are ready to learn are those who come into school with good social and behavior-management skills.

In fact, educators have so recognized the importance of giving children some form of quality early education that about 40 states now offer state-funded pre-K programs.

3. What will my child learn?

preschool for 3 year olds
In addition to strengthening socialization skills -- how to compromise, be respectful of others, and problem-solve -- preschool provides a place where your child can gain a sense of self, explore, play with her peers, and build confidence. Children in preschool discover that they are capable and can do things for themselves -- from small tasks like pouring their own juice and helping set snack tables to tackling bigger issues like making decisions about how to spend their free time. Plus, 4- and 5-year-olds have begun asking some wonderful questions about the world around them -- what happens to the water after the rain? Do birds play? Quality preschools help children find answers through exploration, experimentation, and conversation."

4. But what about learning his ABCs?

"Young children can certainly learn letters and numbers, but to sit children down and 'teach' them is the wrong way to do it. They learn best through doing the kinds of activities they find interesting -- storytime, talking to their teachers about stars, playing with blocks. To help children learn language and strengthen pre-reading skills, for instance, teachers might play rhyming games and let children tell stories. Keep in mind that for small children, school is all about having fun and acquiring social skills -- not achieving academic milestones. Children need to be imaginative and to socialize -- that's what fosters creative, well-rounded people. It's not whether they can read by age 4 or multiply by 5. An ideal curriculum? Parading around in dress-up clothes, building forts, and being read to.

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